Clear Capital has analytical investment selection and risk management technologies to help our clients achieve their financial goals with lower risk of losses.
Clear Capital Management offers different types of passive and vigilant portfolios to match your investment comfort zone, risk tolerance, and tax requirements.
Before we offer a strategy to a client, we make sure it works well over decades of historical data, responds well to stress testing, and matches your risk tolerance. Bring your investment requirements to us and let us show how our strategies can best serve you.
Already have a financial advisor? If so, they can engage us as a sub-advisor. Please have them contact us.
Looking for a financial advisor? Please contact us directly.
The InvestSmart 17 equity portfolio aims to produce equity returns with less risk than the S&P 500. This is achieved by holding 65% of the equity portion in equities chosen for their stable return characteristics with a smaller 30% portion held in equities methodically chosen for their high growth characteristics. 5% is held in cash.If desired to match risk tolerance of the investor, the equity portion can be combined in a passive allocation using the Vigilant Safe portfolio containing safe haven assets such as U.S. Government Treasury ETFs, cash, and sometimes gold ETFs to further minimize downside risk.
The Partner’s portfolios are designed for lawyers, accountants, and financial professionals who can’t invest in the equities of their clients; or for investors who want to manage a smaller account such as a growing college fund.
The Partner’s portfolios are built on our SectorAware technology which selects the best performing sectors using Sector Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). This provides performance and risk management like the Vigilant portfolios described below. A small portion of the portfolio (15% or less) is placed in the Opportunity allocation to further increase returns during good markets and protect your portfolio during bad markets.
The Vigilant portfolios utilize the InvestSmart portfolios described above with an Opportunity allocation. The Opportunity allocation uses Adaptive Intelligence to increase equity exposure during good markets and decrease equity exposure during bad markets. The net effect is your portfolio takes advantage of strong upward moving markets and reduces risk during strong downward moving markets.
This type of type of Vigilant Risk-Managed Portfolio approach should have a place in every investor’s portfolio allocation strategy to help manage the risks and opportunities presented by bubble markets and herd behavior.
All of our strategies are crafted not only for return, but also to limit risk exposure.
Before we offer a strategy to a client, we make sure it works well over decades of historical data, responds well to stress testing, and matches your risk tolerance. Bring your investment requirements to us and let us show how our strategies can best serve you.
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